
Brilliant Brunette by John Frieda

Those who color their hair dark know the struggle of keeping the color deep and live.
For a good while now I've been dyeing my hair dark brown, so I got very excited when I found out I was selected to test John Friedas Brilliant Brunette Visibly Deeper hair products via Infuenster's Voxbox.
Here you can see the products I received:

I have been using products for about a month now and I have to say that I really like them.
Smell is so nice - scent will trick you in thinking that you're at the hair salon only your wallet won't suffer as much.

Product texture is creamy and looks a lot like chocolate fudge (don't attempt to eat it). Each product has use instructions on the back that are very easy to understand. For better results in keeping color deep brown along the shampoo and conditioner use the treatment. 

You can read more about the products and other people experience on John Frieda (http://www.johnfrieda.ca/en-CA/ProductFamily/Hair-Care/Brilliant-Brunette) and/or Influenster (https://www.influenster.com/reviews/search?q=john+frieda+brilliant+brunette) websites.
Check #myjohnfrieda tweets for more experiences and opinions. 

Usually after about a month my hair color fades away - hair doesn't look shiny and color is looking dull, but using John Friedas Brilliant Brunette Visibly Deeper collection not only my hair color still looks great, my hair feels smooth to a touch and has a healthy shine to it!

I'm sure I will repurchase the products in future and definitely recommend brunettes give these a try!

Photo on the left is taken right after hair dressers appointment and one on the right is after a month using the products. Color still looks great.

- Stay Beautiful -

*I received products free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion and experience



Few weeks ago I received Lise Watier Hydraforce cream via GlamSense campaign.
I have been using the cream since and I'm ready to share my experience.

Lise Watier is a Canadian cosmetic brand, launched in 1972 by Madame Lise Watier. Here is something that the brand says about their HydraForce Hydra-Protective Creme-Gel (from website):

The formula’s effectiveness lies on the remarkable power of GaspĂ© Algae Extract. A survivor of harsh environments, the GaspĂ© algae has developed a highly efficient resistance system, enabling it to thrive in severe conditions. Its extract guarantees the skin’s global hydration, transforming it into a veritable defensive shield.

Package I received contained HydraForce Cream and little cute gadget that measures skins moisture level. Cream has gel texture and smells divine - little sweet and very fresh.I measured moisture levels before I started to use the product and retested again after using it for few weeks - progress was visible in percentage numbers and also visually I was able to see the improvements. 
Skin didn't look dry, dull, it actually looked radiant. I'm curious to see further improvements.
Below you are able to see the visual proof of product's effect on my skin.

Tested area: Hand

Tested area: T-Zone

Tested area: Cheek
Lise Watier HydraForce Cream is working and provides good results. In addition to that, it's made in Canada and I find it very important to support the local market.
I'm happy I was fortunate enough to be selected for this GlamSense campaign. Now I'm curious to try other Lise Watier products, that I'm sure are as great as this one.

*I received product free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion and experience. 
Check the #getinthebubble for other reviews and feeds

- Stay Beautiful -